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Campus Recreation Survey Results

The Results Are In

In fall of 2022, Campus Recreation asked you to weigh in on our programs, services, facilities, and equipment. We received 1,178 responses that included valuable information to help us serve you better.


Of the total respondents, 56% were female, 42% were male. 62% of respondents were students, 24% were staff, and 12% were faculty members. 

911 were active users of Campus Recreation programs, facilities and services. 267 were not. 

We want to thank you for your honest feedback. We take it very seriously. We heard you, and we know we have some work to do.


Some things can be completed faster than others, but we have some exciting changes in store.


Stay tuned, and check back often for the most recent updates. 


You spoke. We listened. 

  1. Relocated light strength equipment to create more open space for dumbbells and free weights on mezzanine level.

  2. Kettlebells are here! We've added multiple types thorughout the facility. 

  3. Increased hours at the SportsPlex. The Plex is now open Friday and Saturday with expanded hours on Sunday. 

  4. Increased hours for personal training— added Sunday hours. 

  5. Increased facility hours over breaks and on Sundays. 

  6. Group Fitness added additional morning classes

  7. New demo machines on trial: upright bikes and slat treadmills (mezzanine level and lower level), stepmill (North cardio)

  8. Olympic and powerlifting in The Den (January 2024)!

  9. Increased intramural sports leagues to include Sundays at The Plex. 

  10. Added more than 50 pairs of dumbells. 

  11. Added 8 dedicated platform racks in The Den.

  12. An extended guest pass is now available for $10 (Friday-Sunday).

  13. New full-time employees can try out The Rec for a week within their first 30 days of employment. 

  14. New equipment, trips, and skill-building workshops from Auburn Outdoors.

  15. Replaced all group fitness cycling bikes.

  16. Towel service is free for all members.


Lower Level

  1. Added new cable machine

  2. Additional vending machine options added.

  3. The Den (Olympic/powerlifting) opens January 2024.



  1. Changed out all dumbbells and fixed barbells

  2. Added additional dumbbells on North weight room

  3. Improved variety of dumbbells in North weight room with 2.5 increment dumbbells

  4. Added new attachments for cable machines

  5. Added an additional squat rack in the weightroom

  6. Added a selectorized hip thrust machine to north weight room

  7. Took out duplicate selectorized machines in south weightroom to add more variety

  8. Added motion technology selectorized pieces and upgraded existing pieces

  9. Added additional weight plates to the weight room

  10. Added a belt squat to ensure our weight room is up to the latest fitness trends

  11. Took out: 1 Olympic decline bench press and 1 Olympic incline bench press

  12. Added additional mirrors

  13. Created more open workout space

  14. Added 6 adjustable workout benches

  15. Added rubber matting for all lifting racks

South Cardio

  1. Modified area to add additional workout space

  2. Moved Smith machine from weight room to south cardio

  3. Added dumbbells

  4. Added hip thrust machine

  5. Added additional mirrors


West Cardio

  1. Removed ellipticals

  2. Moved adaptive motion trainers to Court 2 track area

  3. Added HD Tread self-propelled runner

  4. Added competition kettlebells

  5. Added ski ergs

  6. Added Rogue Echo bikes

  7. Added pull-up/leg raise benches

  8. Created more open workout space


North Cardio

  1. Added an additional cable machine option

  2. Added multiple treadmills from other renovated areas in the facility

  3. Better organized cardio machines which created space for the addition of upper body strength machines from the light strength area

Light Strength

  1. Changed out dumbbells and added additional dumbbells

  2. Added fixed barbells

  3. Added kettlebells

  4. Added significant open workout space with movement of body strength machines to north cardio area

  5. Added 4 additional workout benches

  6. Added hip thrush machine and glute machine from weight room


Court 2

  1. Added heavy punching bag

  2. Added TRX suspension training area

  3. Added mirrors and more open workout space

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Survey Result Videos

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